A hipbone fracture can be intracapsular (within the joint capsule), or it can be extracapsular (outside the joint capsule).
What causes the hipbone fracture?
As discussed before, the leading cause of hipbone fracture is thinning of bones. So if you develop osteoporosis, you end up getting a fracture in your hip, mostly when you fall. Osteoporosis generally means your bone density has decreased, and your bones have become honeycombed. This makes the bone more fragile.
Generally, if you have a fracture in your hip, then you will feel pain around the injured portion, you will face difficulty in walking or moving. These are the most common symptoms that can be felt during a broken hip. Mostly the intensity of the fracture is determined clinically via different tests like X-ray, MRI, CT scan, etc. The treatment may vary and depends upon the intensity of the injury. Now if we talk about the treatment of hipbone fracture, it's mostly surgery.
Well, it will be smart enough to take prevention regarding the hipbone fracture. There are various kinds of guidelines, which can help elders to prevent a hipbone fracture.
How to prevent hipbone fracture?
First and foremost, it is advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle in young age in order to build a healthy bone, which decreases the chance of bone fractures in older age.
Always remember to maintain a healthy bone. Calcium and vitamin D both are very important for healthy bones. Health experts advise, when you attain the age of 50 or above, you should daily intake 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day and 600 international units of vitamin D per day. Exercise can help you to maintain peak bone density for longer periods, and it also increases the strength of your body and bones. Balance training also plays a pivotal role since it reduces the chance of falling. Avoid consuming of tobacco and alcohols as it can reduce bone density. Get your eyes checked every year so that you do not face any problem while seeing. This is because poor view increases the chance of falling. Keep an eye on every medicine you are taking. As dizziness or weakness can be side effects of many medicines, these can lead you to fall often. So it is advised to discuss your medication with doctors. As you get older, the chance of high or low blood pressure doubles up. So you should be extra careful while standing up. If you don't feel steady enough, then to avoid falling, it is safe to use a walker or walking stick in the old age.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Abhishek Kumar Mishra","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/35b7efaea122adb0d69bfafc0490fbcb/Orthopaedics-AbhishekKumarMishra-New-Delhi-31c64f.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/delhi/doctor/dr-abhishek-kumar-mishra-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Fracture - Know All About It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Fracture refers to a partial or a complete break in the bone. Whenever, any kind of fracture happens, it gets classified as either open or closed. Open fractures refer to such situations when the bone tends to poke through the skin and could be seen with the naked eye. The same situation arises when a deep cut tends to expose the bone from the skin. Closed fracture is a condition when even after the bone break, the skin remains intact.
What are the symptoms of a fracture?
There are definite ways through which one could easily make out that he or she has suffered a fracture. Some of the most common symptoms include:
Swelling of a particular region in the body Painful feeling all of a sudden Having difficulty in using the injured area and also facing trouble while using it. You have a warm feeling over the affected area with a tinge of redness in it. It is always preferable to see a doctor for proper diagnosis. Now we would go through the details on how to diagnose a fracture. Diagnosis of a fracture
Generally, a doctor would initially ask for the medical history, collecting all the details about how the injury took place, gauge it s seriousness, examine it physically and then ask the patient to go for certain tests. The tests would generally undertake to include the following:
X-ray: X-ray is the first thing, a doctor would ask a person to get it done, so that through the report, he could get a clear picture about the extent of the fracture. It is a diagnostic test, conducted by using invisible electromagnetic energy beams to ensure pictures of internal tissues, bones appear on film MRI: Magnetic Resonance Imaging or MRI is an imaging test conducted by using large magnets, radiofrequencies and a computer, to get detailed pictures of fracture within the affected area. CT scan: This is also an imaging test conducted using X-rays and a computer to get the images of the affected area minutely. The scan helps to reveal the details of the bones, muscles and other organs. How to treat a fracture?
The main aim of the treatment is to ensure that the broken pieces of the bone are put back in place, give patient relief from the pain. Different modes of treatment include:Traction: Traction refers to the use of a pulling action in a steady manner to stretch the muscles and tendon located around the broken area, hence allow the bones to align and heal
Splint: Splint tends to make the affected area immobile so that the bones are kept in alignment. Medicine: Medicine is given so that the pain remains under control Surgery: A doctor can go for surgery if he feels that the above treatment methods are not getting things back into shape. So we have talked about the fracture, the symptoms related to it, how can it get diagnosed and finally the different modes of treatment.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.G Manjunath Reddy","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/1511ab770eb0cbf80377e495f21640bb/Orthopaedics-GManjunathReddy-Hyderabad-96fcbb","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-g-manjunath-reddy-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Fracture Pain - Know How To Minimise It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"A fracture is a complete or incomplete crack, which appears on a bone due to the application of intense pressure or force. A fracture results in extreme pain, and the bone becomes immobile. Any kind of movement boosts the pain. Fracture pain occurs in three distinct stages. Acute pain is felt immediately after a fracture while subacute pain occurs over the weeks that follow after a fracture. The third stage or chronic pain occurs when the fracture and soft tissues around it have healed.
Fracture pain is quite intense in nature and proper precautions should be taken while dealing with them:
Development of fracture pain: When a bone undergoes a fracture, the ligaments and tendons are also damaged. While the bone slowly heals, ligaments and tendons fail to heal equally well or completely. Post fracture pain also develops when the outside of the bone does not heal completely. This usually does not appear in an X-ray. Treatment of fracture pain: Modern medications can be utilized to treat fracture pain. Steroid injections and prescribed anti-inflammatory medicines help in treating fracture pain. However, these remedies cause side effects, which are harmful to the body. Cortisone shots are utilized for the same purpose as well. Prolotherapy: Prolotherapy is an approach where ligament and tendon strengthening is stimulated along with repairing. This technique ensures complete treatment of the fracture, and the risk of long-term complications like arthritis is absent. In cases of fracture pain, which occurs due to the incomplete healing of the outer part of the bone, Prolotherapy helps in strengthening the fibro-osseous junction at the source of the pain. This will stop the nerve endings from firing. Prolotherapy provides speedy recovery and accounts for making the injured bone stronger than before. This process is often undergone by athletes. The procedure is undertaken only after thorough examinations for detection of the root cause of the pain. Prolotherapy is considered to be the best treatment for repairing tendons and ligaments, which commonly cause fracture pain. The body is simply stimulated and the painful areas are repaired. This is done by the introduction of a mild inflammatory reaction to the area of the weak tendons and cartilages. The results obtained after Prolotherapy are permanent and the fracture pain is unlikely to reoccur. Other measures:
Splints are utilized to stop the movement of fractured bone and braces can be used to support the bone. Plaster cast also supports and immobilizes the fractured bone. Traction and surgical implants are other treatment measures. Fracture pain occurs not only because of the broken bone but also because of the weakened ligaments and tendons around the bone. Fracture pain should be handled very carefully, and proper control measures should be applied.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Anusha","medicalSpecialty":"Pain Management Specialist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/449f3c7fd7d50cb0099f07f857d4f193/Pain-Management-Anusha-Hyderabad-3b5898","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-anusha-anesthesiologist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Spine Fracture - What Causes It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Spinal fractures occur as a result of an injury or dislocation of the bony vertebra. This causes the bone fragments to pinch and damage the spinal cord. Fractures can occur anywhere along the spine but the most common site of fracture is the lower back.
What causes spinal fractures?
Spinal fractures are often a result of the following-
A sudden traumatic injury A high-velocity accident Falling from a height Sports injuries Spinal instability A whiplash
Types of spinal fractures:
Spinal fractures are classified into three categories, such as the following-
Compression fracture - If you exert excessive pressure on the vertebra, it will break. This type of fracture occurs when the bones in the spine become fragile or weak to the extent that they easily crumble. People living with osteoporosis, certain types of cancer or tumours are prone to a compression fracture.
Dislocation - When the discs and/or ligaments linking the vertebrae is torn or stretched, the bones may dislocate or come out of alignment.
Fracture-dislocation - Torn ligament and broken bone lead to this condition. A fracture-dislocation is a debilitating condition and often requires surgical intervention.
Symptoms of spine fractures:
Following an accident or an injury, you can tell if you have ended up fracturing your spinal column by identifying these symptoms-
Excruciating pain Tingling sensation Numbness Muscle spasm Swelling of the muscle Sudden onset of back pain Restricted spinal mobility The pain worsens if you walk or stand for long Deformity or disability of the spine
How are spinal fractures treated?
Spinal fracture treatment begins with administering pain-management drugs and medications to ease the symptoms, and stabilization methods to prevent injury. Depending on the nature of the fracture, your doctor may follow these lines of treatment-
Fusion and instrumentation - These are surgical procedures to cure unstable fractures. Fusion refers to the joining of the vertebrae using a bone graft along with hardware such as hooks, rods, plates, or pedicle screws. The bone graft joins the vertebrae below and above to form a solid piece of bone.
Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty - These are minimally invasive procedures, wherein the surgeon injects bone cement into the fractured body through a needle. During kyphoplasty, the surgeon first inserts and inflates a balloon to expand the compressed vertebrae and then fills it with bone cement.
Spinal fractures are an extremely uncomfortable and painful condition to live with. It can hinder your day-to-day activities and affect your quality of life. It is imperative that you seek immediate treatment if you end up with fractures or dislocation of the spine.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Sunil Kumar Dash","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/d47d407f4429d8a96b5f8a04c5097ae4/Orthopaedics-SunilKumarDash-Bhubaneswar-741125","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/bhubaneswar/doctor/dr-sunil-kumar-dash-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Pelvic Acetabulum Fracture Fixation - Know About It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Fractures in the pelvis or acetabulum are serious issues, especially when the patient has met with an accident. It is the most complex type of orthopedic surgery and requires immediate medical attention. The fractures are more common in old ages as older patients have a weak hip bone. Although, all ages are prone to pelvic or acetabulum fractures. To understand the fractures and treatment, you must understand the anatomy of the pelvis. The acetabulum is the part of the pelvis and the hip joint is the largest joint in the body. These parts are connected with a ball and socket method. Acetabulum forms the socket in the structure, and the ball is the femoral head which connects the thigh bone and acetabulum. The pelvis supports most of the lower part of the body, including major blood vessels, nerves, abdominal system, bladder, and reproductive organs. A pelvic or acetabulum fracture may happen due to vehicle accident or fall. But the severity of the fracture is determined by the number of fractures, fracture in the socket or ball of the joint.
Acetabulum fractures are caused due to the force in the hip joints, femur head, or the sockets on the joints. The force can be from the knee or sides. The direction of the force can result in the dislocation of the hips. This force can dislocate the femur balls from the sockets, which can be very painful. Severe acetabulum fracture can be due to a high impact force like high fall or vehicle accidents. These cases are taken immediately to the surgery and need immediate medical attention. Apart from this, weak bones or joint in the old age is the most common reason for acetabulum fractures. Hip joints take the weight of the entire body and hence gets weak with age. Even a simple fall from walking or standing can result in a pelvic fracture.
A fractured pelvis or acetabulum causes severe pain for the patient. If the injury is caused due to a high impact force, it can also result in bleeding. The numbness in the legs and nerve damage can leave tingling sensation which can be part of the fracture. The patient is required to be operated at soonest and needs complete rest for months. Treatment Doctors suggest various treatment to the patient with acetabulum fracture. Sometimes nonsurgical treatment is offered to the patient whose fractures are stable and may heal naturally. In such cases, the doctor recommends walking aids like crutches to help them walk. However, most acetabulum fracture needs surgery. If the damage is in the joint and it is impossible for the patient to move, then doctors recommend surgery.
Take Away
Pelvis fracture is an extremely painful damage to the most essential joint in the body. Though there are surgery available for correcting the fracture, it is always advisable to consult a doctor before going for any treatment option.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Sunil Kumar Dash","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/d47d407f4429d8a96b5f8a04c5097ae4/Orthopaedics-SunilKumarDash-Bhubaneswar-741125","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/bhubaneswar/doctor/dr-sunil-kumar-dash-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Nonunion Fractures - What Should You Know?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Both young and old are vulnerable to fractures. While the former gets them during intense physical activities, the latter experience fractures due to less bone density. Thus, quite common, they are, however, if you experience a persistent pain in the fracture spot even after undergoing treatment, you must visit your doctor without delay as it might be a case of nonunion.
Despite modern treatment methods that heal most fractures, sometimes new bone tissue doesn't begin to form and repair the broken pieces. This hindrance to the healing of bones is known as nonunion.' Patients suffering from nonunion of fractures usually feel pain in the fractured area even after the fracture disappears and can last for months or years. In some cases, these pains may get triggered, if pressure is applied to the fractured area.
Why does nonunion occur? The three most important aspects of bone healing include stability, blood supply, and nutrition. If the broken bones that have been put together are moved out of place before they fully heal, it can lead to complications. Cases, where surgical fixation is involved, can be disrupted due to various reasons, including ineffective surgery which can happen due to unforeseen complications and can cause nonunion.
Limited blood supply to the fracture site can be caused due to a lack of or disruption of the body's healing cells. Blood supply to the injured area usually returns to normal during the healing period, but there might be medical complications that prevent fractured bones from healing. Nutrition is the third biggest factor that can cause nonunion of fractures if the patient does not have a well-balanced diet and lacks essential vitamins, calcium, and proteins in the body. Dietary guidelines need to be followed to allow proper healing. Other situational risk factors that may contribute to nonunion include age, diabetes, infections, anemia or use of tobacco and other forms of nicotine. Treatment of A Nonunion
Depending on the situation, treatment is possible using both surgical and non-surgical methods. A bone stimulator may be used to treat a nonunion non-surgically. This small device helps send ultrasonic waves to stimulate healing, and through repeated usage of the device, it can help patients start healing. Surgical treatment involves the usage of a bone graft that can help new bone (or bones) to grow in the affected area. Bone grafts are surgically planted, and they provide fresh bone cells and necessary chemicals that the body needs for healing. Surgeons make an incision and remove pieces of bone from different areas of the patient and transplant them into the affected area. Bone harvesting can be a painful process, but it does not affect bodily functions or cause any cosmetic problems in any way to the patient. In many cases, bone harvesting can be avoided by using allografts (bone grafts from cadavers) or other substitutes (known as osteobiologics) made of chemicals that can be fixated both internally and externally. These methods kickstart the healing process and allow the fractured bones to heal and return the area to its normal and undamaged state.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rakesh Kumar","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/6db66a4e75b3a1a7e87714a551fc200a/Orthopaedics-RakeshKumar-New-Delhi-17075a.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/delhi/doctor/dr-rakesh-kumar-orthopedist-2"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Spinal Compression Fracture - How To Avoid It?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"What is spinal compression fracture? Spinal compression fractures are getting frequent due to the many lifestyle changes which we undergo. The body should not be made to be put use in a certain way like posture, lifting heavy weights, etc. However, prolonged and repeated usage affects the spine directly and results in compression fractures. Though the condition looks, gratifying, modern science has advanced to levels where the fractures can be addressed very effectively, and the pain symptoms can be eradicated almost completely. Let us have a summary of the treatment methods.
The treatment The treatment plan of any spinal compression fracture should effectively highlight the pain, the factors leading to the pain and lastly the fracture itself. Our body has been designed in such a way that the spine can withstand an amount of pressure and force. As a result of it, it is one of the strongest parts of the human body. Hence most fractures heal with pain medications and strength exercises. These activities can be embraced as a permanent one- thus eradicating the pain altogether.
Pain killers are administered gradually for a few weeks along with rest and once the pain subsidises strength exercises are imparted as a part of the treatment plan. In a few cases, anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants can also help in relieving the nerve-related pain. A back brace like an easily removable cast can also be put when doing the usual activities. This, directly stiffness the spine and provides it with support. The pressure to the spine can be greatly relieved due to the back brace.
Surgery for Spinal compression fractures As stated, most of the spinal pain can go away with certain lifestyle changes and medications. However, in some extreme cases even after putting all the effort the pain does not go, then a surgical treatment has to be performed to correct the fractures. There are two minimally invasive procedures namely Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty and one complicated procedure known medically as the Spinal fusion surgery. In vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty, bone cement is spread across in layers to the affected region.
These blocks of cement have a tendency to get strong in a matter of minutes, thus relieving the pressure immediately. Spinal fusion surgery is done in extremely rare cases where two or more vertebras are connected together using metal screws. Sometimes even a bone graft is affixed to provide support to the fractured region. Doctors, however, do not go for it usually as the procedure causes extreme inconvenience even after the treatment.
Prevention Spinal compressions are a frequent occurrence nowadays, and a good physician would suggest prevention is better than cure. Making the much-needed changes to life and the activities we perform can drastically reduce the chances of getting a spinal compression fracture.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Prabhav Tella","medicalSpecialty":"Pain Management Specialist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/c4e057df99e674189d0a5a8eccb50649/Pain-Management-PrabhavTella-Hyderabad-6e3545.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-prabhav-tella-pain-management-specialist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Fracture Surgery - When Is It Required?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Our bones are one of the most essential parts of our body. Without bones, we will not even be able to stand or sit properly. Due to various reasons, our bones receive damage as well. Bone fracture is one of the most common problems that people face. When any bone in our body breaks due to some accident, it is known as bone fracture.
Once you suffer from a bone fracture, it can be treated in different ways. But in serious cases, bone fracture surgery needs to be performed. So, if you are suffering from a bone fracture, read this article to know more about bone fracture surgeries and important details related to it.
Details About Bone Fracture
Bone fracture is a partial or severe break in any of your bones present in the body. Fractures can be caused due to various reasons and in most of the cases, it is because of any kind of accident. There are some basic symptoms of bone fracture like - abnormal swelling over an area, unable to walk in most of the cases and excruciating pain where the bone has broken.
Therefore, as you can understand that bone fracture is a very serious condition which can cause serious lifestyle changes in a person's life. Bone fractures are of different kinds and two of the most common types of bone fractures are - Complete and Compound.
In a complete fracture, the bone gets damaged in two or more than two parts of the body. In a compound fracture, the bone breaks and tries to penetrate the skin.
Diagnosis and Treatment Through Fracture Surgery
Whenever you suffer from a bone fracture, do not neglect it. Go straight to the doctor and undergo an X-ray which will provide the important details and images of your affected area. Now, depending on the type of injury you have received, the doctor will decide if surgery will be performed or not. When surgery is going to take place, different equipment like rods, plates and screws are used to support the bone.
The surgery takes place as per the doctor's recommendations and advice depending on the condition of the patient who is suffering from the fracture.
Eligibility For Bone Fracture Surgery
Everyone can undergo a bone fracture surgery if the condition is very serious and it is very important to undergo a surgery to recover. So, individuals of all age can undergo bone fracture surgery if they are suffering from a compound or serious bone fracture. But keep one thing in mind - children recover from bone fracture surgery much quicker than teenagers and old aged people.
So here is some important information which you should be knowing about bone fracture surgeries.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Rohit Chakor","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/d713916694d07093ad002d432c48f5d1/Orthopaedics-RohitChakor-Pune-9bce29.jpg","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/pune/doctor/dr-rohit-chakor-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Spine Fracture - How Can You Get It Fixed?","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"Spinal fractures occur as a result of an injury or dislocation of the bony vertebra. This causes the bone fragments to pinch and damage the spinal cord. Fractures can occur anywhere along the spine but the most common site of fracture is the lower back.
What causes spinal fractures?
Spinal fractures are often a result of the following-
A sudden traumatic injury A high-velocity accident Falling from a height Sports injuries Spinal instability A whiplash
Types of spinal fractures:
Spinal fractures are classified into three categories, such as the following-
Compression fracture - If you exert excessive pressure on the vertebra, it will break. This type of fracture occurs when the bones in the spine become fragile or weak to the extent that they easily crumble. People living with osteoporosis, certain types of cancer or tumours are prone to a compression fracture.
Dislocation - When the discs and/or ligaments linking the vertebrae is torn or stretched, the bones may dislocate or come out of alignment.
Fracture-dislocation - Torn ligament and broken bone lead to this condition. A fracture-dislocation is a debilitating condition and often requires surgical intervention.
Symptoms of spine fractures:
Following an accident or an injury, you can tell if you have ended up fracturing your spinal column by identifying these symptoms-
Excruciating pain Tingling sensation Numbness Muscle spasm Swelling of the muscle Sudden onset of back pain Restricted spinal mobility The pain worsens if you walk or stand for long Deformity or disability of the spine
How are spinal fractures treated?
Spinal fracture treatment begins with administering pain-management drugs and medications to ease the symptoms, and stabilization methods to prevent injury. Depending on the nature of the fracture, your doctor may follow these lines of treatment-
Fusion and instrumentation - These are surgical procedures to cure unstable fractures. Fusion refers to the joining of the vertebrae using a bone graft along with hardware such as hooks, rods, plates, or pedicle screws. The bone graft joins the vertebrae below and above to form a solid piece of bone.
Kyphoplasty and vertebroplasty - These are minimally invasive procedures, wherein the surgeon injects bone cement into the fractured body through a needle. During kyphoplasty, the surgeon first inserts and inflates a balloon to expand the compressed vertebrae and then fills it with bone cement.
Spinal fractures are an extremely uncomfortable and painful condition to live with. It can hinder your day-to-day activities and affect your quality of life. It is imperative that you seek immediate treatment if you end up with fractures or dislocation of the spine.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Dr.Saurabh Chaudhary","medicalSpecialty":"Orthopedic Doctor","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/06d4f8b8632305cf80059a26ee6dee5d/Orthopaedics-SaurabhChaudhary-Patna-36f194","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/patna/doctor/dr-saurabh-chaudhary-orthopedist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}},{"@context":"http://schema.org","@type":"Question","text":"Hand Fracture - Exercise That Can Be Beneficial Post It!","answerCount":null,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","upvoteCount":"0","text":"A hand fracture is a condition characterized by discontinuity in the alignment of bones of the hand. The bones in the hand include the bones that are present in the wrist, palm and fingers. A fracture of the hand tends to occur commonly due to a fall on the outstretched hand. It may also be caused by injuries related to sports and falls.
Swelling and pain are the most common symptoms of fracture. The range of motion for the affected hand will be reduced as well. The knuckle bone may appear to have been sunken in due to swelling in case of fracture in the palm bones (metacarpal bones). Most obviously, it will be difficult in carrying out regular tasks like squeezing or gripping which need the hands.
The initial treatment for a hand fracture will be focused on reducing the pain. Pain relieving medications such as ibuprofen will be administered which provides relief from the pain. The next step will be to keep the affected hand immobilized to enhance the healing process. Once stability is restored, therapeutically relevant exercises are prescribed to help normalize the regular hand movements and hand functions.
The following exercises are relevant in case of a hand fracture:
1. Wringing a towel: This is an exercise wherein you wring a towel to improve flexibility and strength in the hand. Simply grab a towel and twist it in both directions; imagine wringing water from the towel.
2. Rolls of the wrist: Wrist rolls aim to increase the ROM (range of motion) in your wrists and the hands. Hold the hand steady and rotate your wrists both clockwise and anticlockwise. You can also hold a lightweight in your hand to make it more challenging.
3. Prayer stretch: A prayer stretch is another exercise that can help boost your wrist flexibility. You start by positioning the palms together like in prayer, then hold up the elbows while pushing the hands against each other. You should feel a stretch in your wrists and hands.
4. Grasping: This is a technique wherein you grasp objects to improve your grip strength. Try gripping objects such as a tennis ball or stress balls to get your gripping ability up to normal levels.
Caution: If pain or swelling appears, stop the exercises immediately. Consult a physiotherapist for advice specific to your condition.","dateCreated":"","author":{"@type":"Physician","name":"Reliva Physiotherapy & Rehab","medicalSpecialty":"Physiotherapist","image":"https://assets.lybrate.com/img/documents/doctor/dp/7f551b2458156952ce487a8377e8c7c0/Physiotherapy-RelivaPhysiotherapyRehab-Navi-Mumbai-226dea","url":"https://www.lybrate.com/hyderabad/doctor/dr-reliva-physiotherapy-rehab-physiotherapist"},"interactionStatistic":{"@type":"InteractionCounter","interactionType":"LikeAction","userInteractionCount":"0"}}}]
Fracture Treatment Tips & Advice From Top Doctors | Lybrate
MS - Orthopaedics, MCH, Membership of th...read more
Orthopedic Doctor•Delhi
Any mild fracture in the hip can give a tough time to people. A hipbone fracture or broken hip is most common in elderly people, especially in women. Mostly, the reason is the underlying thinning of bones. In addition, in any hospital hip fracture is considered to be the most common bone treatment in the orthopedic department. A hipbone fracture can be intracapsular (within the joint capsule), or it can be extracapsular (outside the joint capsule).
MBBS, DNB (Orthopedics), Diploma in Orth...read more
Orthopedic Doctor•Hyderabad
Fracture refers to a partial or a complete break in the bone. Whenever, any kind of fracture happens, it gets classified as either open or closed. Open fractures refer to such situations when the bone tends to poke through the skin and could be seen with the naked eye. The same situation arises when a deep cut tends to expose the bone from the skin. Closed fracture is a condition when even after the bone break, the skin remains intact.
MBBS, Post Graduate in Anaesthesiology,...read more
Pain Management Specialist•Hyderabad
A fracture is a complete or incomplete crack, which appears on a bone due to the application of intense pressure or force. A fracture results in extreme pain, and the bone becomes immobile. Any kind of movement boosts the pain. Fracture pain occurs in three distinct stages. Acute pain is felt immediately after a fracture while subacute pain occurs over the weeks that follow after a fracture. The third stage or chronic pain occurs when the fracture and soft tissues around it have healed.
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor o...read more
Orthopedic Doctor•Bhubaneswar
Spinal fractures occur as a result of an injury or dislocation of the bony vertebra. This causes the bone fragments to pinch and damage the spinal cord. Fractures can occur anywhere along the spine but the most common site of fracture is the lower back.
What causes spinal fractures?
Spinal fractures are often a result of the following-
A sudden traumatic injury A high-velocity accident Falling from a height Sports injuries Spinal instabilitymore
MBBS Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor o...read more
Orthopedic Doctor•Bhubaneswar
Fractures in the pelvis or acetabulum are serious issues, especially when the patient has met with an accident. It is the most complex type of orthopedic surgery and requires immediate medical attention. The fractures are more common in old ages as older patients have a weak hip bone. Although, all ages are prone to pelvic or acetabulum fractures. To understand the fractures and treatment, you must understand the anatomy of the pelvis. The acetabulum is the part of the pelvis and the hip joint i...more
Both young and old are vulnerable to fractures. While the former gets them during intense physical activities, the latter experience fractures due to less bone density. Thus, quite common, they are, however, if you experience a persistent pain in the fracture spot even after undergoing treatment, you must visit your doctor without delay as it might be a case of nonunion.
Despite modern treatment methods that heal most fractures, sometimes new bone tissue doesn't begin to form and repair...more
Clinical Fellowship In Pain Management, ...read more
Pain Management Specialist•Hyderabad
What is spinal compression fracture? Spinal compression fractures are getting frequent due to the many lifestyle changes which we undergo. The body should not be made to be put use in a certain way like posture, lifting heavy weights, etc. However, prolonged and repeated usage affects the spine directly and results in compression fractures. Though the condition looks, gratifying, modern science has advanced to levels where the fractures can be addressed very effectively, and the pain symptom...more
MBBS, DNB - Orthopedics/Orthopedic Surge...read more
Orthopedic Doctor•Pune
Our bones are one of the most essential parts of our body. Without bones, we will not even be able to stand or sit properly. Due to various reasons, our bones receive damage as well. Bone fracture is one of the most common problems that people face. When any bone in our body breaks due to some accident, it is known as bone fracture.
Once you suffer from a bone fracture, it can be treated in different ways. But in serious cases, bone fracture surgery needs to be performed. So, if you are...more
Spinal fractures occur as a result of an injury or dislocation of the bony vertebra. This causes the bone fragments to pinch and damage the spinal cord. Fractures can occur anywhere along the spine but the most common site of fracture is the lower back.
What causes spinal fractures?
Spinal fractures are often a result of the following-
A sudden traumatic injury A high-velocity accident Falling from a height Sports injuries Spinal instabilitymore
A hand fracture is a condition characterized by discontinuity in the alignment of bones of the hand. The bones in the hand include the bones that are present in the wrist, palm and fingers. A fracture of the hand tends to occur commonly due to a fall on the outstretched hand. It may also be caused by injuries related to sports and falls.
Swelling and pain are the most common symptoms of fracture. The range of motion for the affected hand will be reduced as well. The k...more
Book appointment with top doctors for Fracture Treatment treatment